Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Truth and Meaning

What is the difference between seeking truth and seeking meaning?

A life spent seeking truth entails endless frustration. There is no way to ascertain absolute truth; there is only constant searching, temporary conclusions, and redoubled effort—with, likely, minimal concrete results. But meaning can be found in many forms. Meaning can be found and peacefully lived with.

Yet is meaning a compromise? It is inherently subjective, self-serving, in a way. Seeking only meaning is settling for something that makes your life feel worthwhile—with the knowledge that while there may (or may not) be a law more absolute, it is one that you will not attempt to uncover.

But is a life of meaning all that we can hope for in this world? Is the search for truth ultimately futile?


Ezzie said...


Seeking only meaning is settling for something that makes your life feel worthwhile—with the knowledge that while there may (or may not) be a law more absolute, it is one that you will not attempt to uncover.

I don't know that one shouldn't or wouldn't attempt - merely that the realization should be there that they may not be able to know with absolute certainty that it is in fact truth.

dzm said...

two points for sj to think about:

first, you describe meaning and truth as if they are disparate entities. but, i must ask, is this the case? why can't truth be meaningful and meaning be truthful?

second, to paint an inverse picture, if one's "meaning" is based on falsehood, is it really meaningful? for example, let's discuss the members of a cult or a phony religion. if a devout person spends their entire life devoted to this religion, and it was completely bogus, did they lead a meaningful life?

i am ambivalent about this issue, especially because most religions have lots of good things to offer. yet, no matter who you ask, at least the majority of the world's people are living a lie (e.g. many muslims think their religion is the only correct one, and many jews think that their religion is the only correct one, etc.). are the lives of the majority of the world not meaningful? what do you think?

Northern Light said...

I think you have already offered some sources of meaning...there is meaning in appreciating the little things, as well as in sources further along on the seriousness/depth continuum. Chocolate milk and yellow walls bring pleasures of their own and awe at creation as surely as connecting with those who love us, and even those rare moments when we know Hashem has spoken to us. Nothing is devoid of meaning if you invite and allow a response.

Anonymous said...

We are searching for purpose.
And the purpose is truth.
Because our purpose is Him.
"L'hisaneg al Hashem."
And that is the only true meaning and satisfaction... "hata'anug ha'amiti."